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Art therapy is the field where the worlds of art and psychology meet. Its roots can be traced back to Carl Jung, the first known psychologist to have his clients draw as a means to interpret dreams and fantasies, but the real pioneers are Margaret Naumberg and Edith Kramer, who, during the 1940's and 1950's, recognized art therapy as its own field of study and practice. 


Today, art therapy can be applied to many different fields of psychology depending on the client population, from children with behavior problems to teens and adults struggling with addiction; from couples with marital difficulties to the elderly suffering from Alzheimers. By making and interpreting their own art, individuals can reach beyond censored and unconscious feelings to a deeper understanding of personal motivations in everyday life. 


Art therapy is a unique and effective approach for offering our clients another means of communication. When words cannot express the secret turmoil, the art produced by the individual is a raw and honest look into our inner most fears, obsessions, motivations and personalities. Every creative endeavor produces a type of self portrait that can be interpreted and used to aid in further insight and personal growth.

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